Driver's Pants 誕生秘話

The Birth of the Driver’s Jacket: Where Comfort Meets Craftsmanship

 Anyone who has driven a car knows the frustration of struggling to retrieve something from a pocket or having something fall out of a pocket while on the road. At some point, we've all thought,
"If only there were pants designed for driving, enabling me to easily access my items without the risk of them falling out."
This simple desire sparked the creation of these pants.

By analyzing data from multiple individuals, we determined the optimal position for pockets, then designed a pair of pants that not only offers superior functionality but also stylistic features, making them perfect for everyday wear. The knee area features a tuck mechanism, allowing for easier bending and extending of the knee while operating the pedals, ensuring comfort and flexibility.
These pants embody the ideal of making your daily driving experience that much more special. We invite you to experience them firsthand at pop-up events or other occasions—where innovation meets everyday life.

*Pattern: The base model or blueprint used in clothing design and production.

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